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Dr. Andrés Pacheco Lozano

Research assistant to the Chair of Peace Theology and Ethics at the Faculty of Religion and Theology at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, lecturer at the Dutch Mennonite Seminary,, co-director of the Amsterdam Center for Religion, Peace & Justice Studies (, post-doctoral researcher in the Center for Peace Church Theology at the University of Hamburg, Germany (, and the chair of the Peace Commission World Mennonite Conference (

Corresponding with the commemoration of the 500 years of the Anabaptist movement, the upcoming BBC promises to be an important space to come and discern together what a “Radical Renewal” entails in the world we live in today. Theology, ethics, and witness are meant to be revisited, challenged, and reimagined as part of this movement of renewal. Weather as a presenter or participant, joining in the next BCC conference will imply not only the possibility to learn from people with diverse backgrounds, locations, and experiences but also to contribute and help shaping how this “Radical Renewal” can be understood and embodied.