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Dr. Mike Pears

Mike Pears is the Director of the International Baptist Theological Study Centre, Amsterdam. His research interests include theologies of place especially as this relates to issues of power and inequality. For over forty years Mike has combined experience of urban ministry and mission with theological education beginning with 15 years of church planting in inner-city London. Since then Mike has lived and ministered in Vancouver, Bristol (UK) and Amsterdam.

He is the (co)author of:

Cloke, P. and M. Pears, Mission in Marginal Places: The Stories (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2018)
Cloke, P. and M. Pears, Mission in Marginal Places: The Theory (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2016)
Cloke, P. and M. Pears, Mission in Marginal Places: The Praxis (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2016)
Pears, M., 2012. “Urban Expression: Convictional Communities and Urban Social Justice.” In Working Faith, edited by Justin Beaumont and Paul Cloke. Paternoster.
Pears, M., 2012. “Moving Towards a Theological Perspective on Place.” In Wisdom, Science and the Scriptures: Essays in Honour of Ernest Lucas, edited by Stephen Finamore and John Weaver. Oxford: Regent’s Park College.
Pears, M., Mission and Place: From Eden to Caesarea, JEBS, 2018.
Peter Crawford and Mike Pears. 2012. “Urban Mission in Europe: Tales from Two Cities.” Vista, 11:7-8